Sunday, July 4, 2010

Whoa. What just happened there?
I was plugging along, happy in my world of hmitm and photos and adhesive and punches, and all of a sudden my BPS class ended, and poof! there went my mojo. I mean, it's silly, right. I'm only days away from the next class starting, Kidding Around (the one that involves scrapbooking with your kids), and I find myself searching for something to work on in the meantime. Hello!? Isn't this what this blog is for? Lol, come on, Seane! You can do this!
Okay, so, here's what I've been up to instead.
1. It's that time of year again. Yep. Any homeschoolers out there starting on plans for the next school year? Well, I am, and I don't use any fancy curriculum, just pieces I find and put together myself. I haven't really found anything I like 100% or that completely work for us, so I use one type for history, another for literature, and probably a bazillion different ones for art. You get the idea. I've been busy wracking my brains!
2. Soul searching. Well, church searching, anyway. My little family is going to try out a new church in the morning, which makes for a super-long 4th of July this year. If we feel at home there, we'll be going from having no church to, well, having a church, I guess. I am not super religious or anything, so don't be expecting a lot of faith-based pages, just the odd one or two here and there.
3. I have been reading some of Ali's earlier blog posts about some of her big projects, and I have been thinking about doing my own versions of a few of them. First I'll start by reorganizing all of my layouts into albums, because there just isn't any organization whatsoever there. I need to look at the albums I spotted in Wal-Mart today, the fabric ones for $10 that come in a handful of colors. I want to see if they would accept 8.5x11 page protectors as well as the 12x12 they come with. If so, great! I'll have an affordable way to display all my albums on the bookshelf in the living room. If not, I'll be looking for 12x12 binders, I guess.
4. I have been really taken in with some of the mini albums I've been seeing in the magazines, and I am yearning for a vacation, an actual trip away from home that involves the whole family and sight-seeing, but I just don't see the budget for it this year. We can still enjoy a staycation, but I would just like to get out of the house, head to the beach, or something.
5.Fighting with the camera. It eats batteries. I mean, just 5 minutes' worth of photo-snapping, and I'm having to replace the little buggers. So today I went and bought a recharger, that way I can at least reuse the batteries after they get used up.
6. In anticipation of the new class and some new materials I ordered for scrapbooking, I have been trying to dig up the motivation to clean up my scrap space. I've been working on it every time I work, but I just need to dive in head first and not come up for air until I tidy up all the bubbles.
No layouts today. I have a few, but I've been jumping out of order, and that just won't do, will it? Also, I've been working on a self-paced BPS class (Start Here, With Stacy, it's free) and have done a few layouts inspired by that. Since there's no gallery for it over there, I might as well post them here, when I have more than two. I don't really like to post for just a couple pages, if you haven't noticed. :)
Okay, one more note about something I'd like to try. I said I was looking at some of Ali's big projects, and I think I may like to do a 365 Project or a December Daily or a Week in the Life. Then I saw One Month at a Time over on Get It Scrapped! blog ( and got even more inspiration. My problem is always that I am a few months behind the times, always catching wind of these great projects too late to jump in with the crowd. My solution? The Academic Year :D Starting July 15th, 2010, and ending July 14th, 2011 makes a lot of sense for me with school-aged children, especially when they are homeschooled year-round. Next to the Calendar Year it looks more organized (whoever thought to put the end of the year in the middle of winter? Well, in the USA.), and next to the Fiscal Year (which would make more sense for us if my family life began and ended with my birthday, which is in April, but still too late for the new planting season) it is more celebratory of where we live. Think about it: the United States Independence Day marks near the end of the academic year, near the center of summer holidays, and the beginning of another year of age for our country!
I know I'm overthinking this. It's what I do. Have an eventful 4th of July!

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